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Answers to Your FAQs About The Oaks

At The Oaks in Des Moines, IA, our top priority is to ensure our residents have everything they need to live comfortably. We believe that keeping our residents informed about our policies is the easiest way to prevent disputes. That is why we’ve created a list of some of the most frequently asked questions along with answers. Of course, we know that you may have additional questions, and we’re always happy to answer those for you. Learn more about The Oaks by reading our frequently asked questions below.

Are your apartments smoke-free?

Yes! All our apartment units are smoke-free, and smoking is expressly forbidden in the unit. Residents may use the designated outdoor smoking areas. We want to cultivate a healthy and safe environment for all of our residents.

Are pets allowed in your apartment?

Yes! We know that your furry friend is an extension of your family, so pets are allowed on the property. However, for the health and safety of you, your pet, and other residents in our community, we require that all pets’ vaccination records are up to date. We also require a non-refundable pet deposit and an additional monthly pet fee.

Do you require renters’ insurance?

Renters’ insurance protects tenants from loss due to theft, break-in, injury, or more. You can personalize your plan to fit your needs. However, we do not require renters’ insurance, though it is strongly encouraged. We require a liability policy with a minimum of $100,000 in coverage. You will be automatically enrolled in our property-liability policy if you do not have a carrier.

Are your apartments furnished?

No. We encourage residents to decorate and layout their units to meet their style and needs.

Who do I contact if I have a maintenance emergency?

Sometimes pipes leak, water overflows, or HVAC systems stop working. When you have a maintenance emergency, you can trust our team to respond to the issue quickly. We have a maintenance staff on hand for all types of emergencies. Contact us at 515-218-9398 and leave a voicemail listing your name, phone number, unit, and maintenance emergency. Our team will be in contact with you to resolve the issue!

Do you require a security deposit?

Yes. For more specific information about the security deposit requirement, please call 515-287-3660.

Is there an application fee?

The application fee is $35.

Do you offer tours?

We offer tours because we want you to feel comfortable renting from us. Call us at 515-287-3660, and we can schedule one for you.

Contact Us Today to Schedule a Tour