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At The Oaks, There’s Always Something to Do

The Oaks in Des Moines, IA offers a wide variety of exciting, fun, and convenient amenities for its residents. We want to give you whatever you need to experience your life to the fullest, which means several indoor and outdoor activities for you and your guests. Our selection of apartment amenities is why so many families and individuals choose to live at The Oaks. Whether you’re a new resident or have lived with us for years, you’ll have access to these great features. Learn more about the amenities we offer, then contact our team to schedule a tour.

apartment kitchen counter

Find the Amenities That Are Right for You

Live life on your terms with a wide variety of convenient amenities from which to choose. We understand that your needs are always changing, and our team is ready to respond to those changes when necessary.

The Amenities We Offer

Pool – Coming Summer 2023

Our pool is the perfect opportunity to catch some rays and cool off with friends and family this summer.

Washer & Dryer Units

We offer one- and two-bedroom rentals with washer and dryer appliances for your convenience. Washers and dryers in select units only.

Garage Rentals

Garage space rentals provide additional convenience and protection from the outside elements.


Whether you’re hosting an intimate gathering with friends or want to cook something on the grill for dinner, we have you covered.


Our safe and exciting playground is a safe and convenient place to let your children be active.


It isn’t easy to find parking in the city. Luckily, we offer resident-only parking for your convenience.

Experience the Excitement for Yourself

With top-notch amenities, spacious and various floor plans, and a convenient location just minutes away from the center of Des Moines, IA, The Oaks is the premier rental property in the area. Our wide variety of amenities ensures you can experience all the excitement we offer for you. Get started on becoming part of our community today when you schedule your tour.

Contact Us Today to Schedule a Tour