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Beautiful One- & Two-Bedroom Apartments in Des Moines, IA

When searching for the perfect place to call home, finding a layout that works best for you and your family is essential. At The Oaks in Des Moines, IA, we offer multiple floor plans to accommodate singles, couples, and small families. Our one- and two-bedroom apartments are spacious and include some of the luxury features you’ve come to expect for your home. Combined with some of our on-site amenities and convenient locale, you’ll have everything you need to make the most of the next step of your life. See our floor plans for yourself when you schedule a tour today.

apartment open concept living, dining, and kitchen space

The Space You Need the Style You Want

The one- and two-bedroom apartments at The Oaks are designed to create a spacious and inviting atmosphere for our residents by combining modern style choices with a convenient layout that flows seamlessly throughout the space. Our apartments boast eat-in-kitchens, walk-in closets, and appliances.

Discover Which Apartment Layout Is Right

apartment layout 1

One-Bedroom Apartment

Our one-bedroom apartments are ideal for individuals and couples looking to begin the next stage of their lives. You’ll enjoy a spacious living room, bathroom, eat-in kitchen, and a separate bedroom.

apartment layout 2

Two-Bedroom Apartment

We suggest our two-bedroom apartment for couples and families looking for additional square footage. They offer a similar spacious layout as the one-bedroom, with additional closet space and a second bedroom.

Comfortable Living at an Affordable Price

At The Oaks, our goal is to ensure that our residents receive everything they need to enjoy a comfortable living situation. With multiple floor plans, we can offer individuals, couples, and families a living arrangement that works best for their needs. We understand the importance of finding the right home that matches your needs, style, and budget. Contact our professional team today to schedule your walkthrough.

Contact Us Today to Schedule a Tour