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Gorgeous Apartment Rentals in Des Moines, IA

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Experience All That Des Moines, IA Has to Offer

The Oaks provides residents the opportunity to enjoy everything that Des Moines, IA has to offer. We are conveniently located just minutes away from route 69 and I-235. Experience the local food, shopping, and landmarks. Then, once you’re finished with your day of excitement, retreat to your comfortable and affordable apartment. Whether you’re a small family or a business professional, we’re certain we can help you live your life more comfortably. We offer a wide variety of on-site amenities if you’d prefer to stay in for the day. There are always memories to be made at The Oaks. Contact our team today to find an apartment to meet your needs.

Trust Our Experienced & Professional Team

It’s never easy trying to find the perfect place to call home. The Oaks in Des Moines, IA offers numerous benefits to our residents, including a wide variety of amenities, a convenient location, and support from our experienced and professional team. We offer a comfortable atmosphere that provides you with all the excitement the local community has to offer. Choose the right living arrangement for you and your family with our one- or two-bedroom rentals. We’re always here to answer any questions you may have.

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